Planning & Accommodations for the Best Holy Land Tours for Seniors

One question we often get is, “What kind of Holy Land tours for seniors do you provide?” Sometimes it is a newly retired couple wanting to enjoy new found freedom, or perhaps a family who wants to give a tour to their parents to enjoy, knowing it has been a lifelong dream.

While there are many Holy Land tours that seniors can take, there are a few things to look for to make sure you get the best tours for seniors in Israel that fits your particular needs.

Accommodations To Make Your Holy Land Tour Enjoyable

At Immanuel Tours, we don’t want our guests to miss out on the most important landmarks and experiences during their Holy Land tours, simply because of age. That’s why we work with your group to offer accommodations to ensure that you and your guests are comfortable and able to enjoy all of the amazing aspects of Israel!

  • Wheelchairs or golf carts (as much as possible)
  • Avoid stairs and uneven surfaces (as much as possible)
  • Take rest breaks between activities
  • Age and abilities taken into account when creating itinerary

Benefits of Holy Land Tours for Seniors

Benefit 1: Expert Guides

Experienced and knowledgeable guides lead the tours, providing in-depth insights into Israel’s rich history, culture, and religious significance. Their expertise ensures that travelers gain a deep understanding of the sites visited.

Benefit 2: Comfortable Accommodations

Tours prioritize comfortable and accessible accommodations, ensuring that senior travelers can relax and rejuvenate in well-appointed hotels after a day of exploration.

Benefit 3: Group Camaraderie

Traveling in a group fosters a sense of camaraderie and community. Seniors can enjoy shared experiences, make new friends, and feel a sense of belonging throughout the journey.

Benefit 4: Tailored Itineraries

Tours are designed to cater to the specific needs and interests of senior travelers. This includes a balanced pace with ample rest periods, visits to sites of historical and cultural significance, and activities that are both engaging and manageable.

Benefit 5: Personalized Support

The tours offer personalized support, including assistance with mobility, dietary requirements, and any special needs. This ensures that all participants can enjoy a worry-free and enriching travel experience.

What to Consider When Planning Your Holy Land Tour

Packing Essentials

  • Comfortable Clothing: Pack light, breathable clothing suitable for warm weather, as well as layers for cooler evenings. Include modest attire for visits to religious sites.
  • Sturdy Footwear: Bring comfortable, supportive walking shoes for exploring historical sites and uneven terrains.
  • Travel Accessories: Don’t forget a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against the strong sun, and a lightweight backpack for day trips (backpack and hat will be provided by Immanuel Tours)

Health Considerations

  • Medications: Bring an ample supply of all necessary medications, along with a copy of your prescriptions. Keep them in your carry-on luggage.
  • Health Check-up: Schedule a check-up with your doctor before the trip to ensure you’re fit for travel. Discuss any specific health concerns related to the climate or activities planned.
  • Vaccinations: Check if any vaccinations are recommended or required for travel to Israel.

Additional Tips

  • Hydration and Rest: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially in the warm climate, and take regular breaks to rest during tours.
  • Local Currency: Familiarize yourself with the local currency (New Israeli Shekel) and carry some cash for small purchases, even though credit cards are widely accepted.
  • Communication: Ensure you have a reliable means of communication, such as an international phone plan or local SIM card, to stay connected with family and tour operators.

You will never be alone when you travel with Immanuel Tours. You will have an experienced guide with you at all times to answer any questions you may have. You are always welcome to contact the office if you have any concern.

Activity Level

  • We know that senior doesn’t mean inactive! Some assume that seniors will not want an active tour, but there are many options to find a tour that meets your activity level. 
  • Most tours with Immanuel Tours are extensive since for many this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip and they want to fit in as much as possible. 
  • This generally means starting your touring day around 7:30a and ending it around 5:00 or 6pm. During this time you will have periods of time that are just riding on the bus or possibly hiking on a trail. 

So how do you deal with these days if you have a different activity level or ability?

  • Make sure you ask what the itinerary will be and what the schedule is anticipated to be. Ask about what concessions may be able to be made when a situation arises
  • For example, if your tour is doing the hike at Tel Dan, and you are unable, what can be done for you during this time?
  • Also if there is a situation in Jerusalem where you may be dropped off in one location and picked up in another, how can you be safely transported to meet back up with the trip?

Immanuel Tours Tips:

  • Start exercising before your trip if you are currently not active. Build up your walking distance and break in the shoes you will wear on tour. Your feet and muscles will thank you and you may get to participate in more activities.
  • B healthier on top of it! Be sure to talk to your medical professional before starting any exercise routine, and it might not be a bad idea to talk to your doctor about your ability to travel to Israel.

Hotel Prices and Value

  • You may think to look at the prices and go for the least expensive tour, but that can be a really big mistake!
  • You need to compare dates, hotels, meals, and itineraries. Hotels can make a large difference in your tour. 
  • If you are staying in hotels you are unable to rest well in or eat well, you may have a hard time enjoying your tour as much during the day.

Immanuel Tours Tips:

  • Ask for a list of hotels that will be used and then do your research on the hotels. 
  • Look at the itineraries and make sure that entry fees to locations are located. 
    • All of our tours include all entry fees for locations included in the itinerary.

Don’t Let Age Keep You From an Amazing Holy Land Tour

If you would like to join an existing tour, please visit our Join a Tour page to see the current available tours to join. We would be happy to advise which tours would be best tours for seniors in Israel.

If you would like to form a private group or tour where you can choose your own itinerary and pace of tour, please contact us today to help you explore the possibilities!

We hope to welcome you, “Next year, in Jerusalem!”