How to Organize a Group Trip to Israel
While many trips are great for individual travel, we believe that touring the Holy Land in a group is far better for a multitude of reasons. A few of these [...]
While many trips are great for individual travel, we believe that touring the Holy Land in a group is far better for a multitude of reasons. A few of these [...]
How to Prevent Jet Lag
A new archaeological discovery in Jerusalem reveals a call of greeting from the City of God On the 9th day of Elul in the year 70AD, a month after [...]
FEMTI ÅRS SERVICE FRA ISRAEL TIL NORGE Landet og folket i Israel ha gjort store framskritt siden staten ble oppretttet i 1948, og vi i Immanuel Tours har forsøkt å [...]
The capital city of Israel, Jerusalem is not only important in the biblical sense, being the place where Jesus Christ was raised as a child it is also increasingly becoming [...]